It's been several weeks already, but Escuelita 2009 has come and gone. This would be VBS for those who aren't up on the Spanish lingo. It is always a crazy week. It starts at about 9:30 when the first truck leaves to pick up kids and we start at 11:00. We had an average of around 270 kids show up every day. Friday was the day we handed out the prizes and attendence was a little higher that day, probably around 300 kids. We had the theme of the Apostle Paul this year which was good, but a little hard to tell chapters 6-28 of Acts in five days. It was a good year. I taught 10-11 year old boys with Matt which was a lot of fun. We had thrity couple every day. They were a fun bunch.
Here are some pictures of the week, a lot more interesting that anything that I write.
One of the little kid classes in the church.
8-9 year old girls. The school helps out a lot for these big classes.
Matt and I with our boys working on the activity after the lesson.
Here is most of the crew that worked at VBS all week. This was taken Friday afternoon at our little 'celebration' for having survived the week.
Pray that the kids who came will remember the lessons that they heard and that the seeds that were planted during the week would sometime bring forth fruit. We place these kids in God's hands and know that He will work in them to bring up new believers (it's just hard to be patient sometimes).
Loved seeing all the pictures! Thanks for sharing & we are praying for you!
Thanks for the posts, Regg, we love seeing the pictures. You never know what 'seeds' those kids are going home and sharing with their parents!
Love and Prayers for you and Ixtlan!
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