Friday, February 11, 2011


Yeah, I know. It has been about a week and a half since posting. We have been somewhat busy and somewhat lazy in regard to posting. But enough of that, you want to know what has been happening. Well.

First, last Monday was an official holiday. So without school, we headed back to Guadalajara Sunday night with Christy Stoller. We then spent the day Monday in Guadalajara. Sunday night we went to Walmart and then out to eat at this little Italian pizza place. Strangely enough, they were playing the Super Bowl there. It was an interesting mix of cultures, truly a Mexican-Italian-American evening. Whatever that really is.

On Monday we went downtown. There is a large market there and we walked around there for a while before we got some ice cream and sat relaxing and watching the crowds in a small plaza downtown. Feeding the pigeons was incredibly popular that day and all the little kids in the area entertained themselves running through the birds and scaring them away. Except for the boy that was apparently trying to catch one with his sister's bright pink coat. He couldn't do it.

We then went back to Los Colomos, a park near Christy's apartment. We took along lunch and ate there. It was a really nice and relaxing park. We walked and walked and walked and then we decided to walk a 5k running path. We were well walked out by the time Bev and I got back on the bus to head to Ixtlan. It was a nice day and it felt good to be away for a bit.

In other news, Tim and Lynette Bahler left on Wednesday, so we are eight people less in the guest house. They finished up their visit by arriving in time for about the coldest weather yet this winter up in Indiana. My brother Jeff arrived Wednesday morning in Guadalajara and came back with Marshall. He will be here until Monday morning and then he hopes to go up to Aguascalientes, a state about 3-4 hours away, to visit a friend Cecilio for a couple of days before going home. It has been nice having him here and we even got in the traditional hike up La Mula, a nearby mountain, already today. Who knows what we will be up to tomorrow, but time sure goes fast.

No news on the house we will be renting yet, but hopefully we will be hearing soon!?!?!?

The weather is starting to warm up a little down here and we are gearing up for the hot season. Hopefully we can send a little of the warmth your way.


Anita said...

Yay, I'm first at last! It's good to hear that you guys are getting some exercise:-) At least somebody is getting some sun! I can't wait to come down...and Bev...nice shirt;-)
love ya lots,

Unknown said...

WOOT WOOT for pictures... although the first one was a little, um, weird and disturbing when I looked closer. What in the WORLD are you sitting on and why do you look so happy about it?

Missy said...

Happy Valentines Day from us Americans. We love you lots and always enjoy your updates, especially the photos!!!!
The Benwares

Anonymous said...

More cheers for the pictures! Thanks for updating us and the warmer weather would be more than welcome this way, although it is supposed to be warmer this week. Love you lots!
Warren & Cindy JNNJIJ

Mom said...

I am so glad you got away for a fun time. Look forward to being with you if you are not worn out from having company!!! Love Mom