My room. Not much to look at besides the newly installed carpet. Feels a little more schoolish actually.
The new fancy cabinet to hide the electric box and whatever else ends up going in there.
There isn't much to update about right now. Things are still continuing forward here even without Marshall and Jan which is surprising. (It isn't until they're gone that you figure out what all they get done in a day.)
I just turned around and saw a big ol' stack of books on my bed. Grading. I guess I should get to work.
1. Pray that I, and all of us, can be like Josiah (2 Kings 22-23). Pray that it can be said of me that I "turned to the Lord with all my heart, with all my soul, and with all my might" (2 Kings 23:25). It is amazing to read through 2 Kings and see all the evil that was done. It becomes mind numbing. King after king succombs to the easier way out of doing what everyone else does and not following God. Then, all of a sudden there is a Josiah, tearing out everything that has to do with evil and following the directions of God to a 'T'. That is who I want to be.
Wow, Regg, I'm proud of you! Thanks for staying true to your word...I was elated to see a new post and enjoyed the pics.
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